Wrenshall, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Wrenshall, Minnesota is located in the United States. The city is located near the Interstate 35, but there are also exits from State Highways 45 and 210 to County Road 1 at Carlton and County Road 4 at Mahtowa. The city has a total population of 399, 154 households, and 114 families. It has a total of 160 housing units. The percentage of people of different races is quite high in Wrenshall, including 1.8% Native American and 2.3% two-race residents.

As of 2010, the population of Wrenshall was 399. Its total area is about 1.5 square miles (3.9 square kilometers). The city is served by three major arterial roads: Carlton County Roads 1, 4, and 18.

The median age of the people in Wrenshall is 34 years old. There are 6.5% children in Wrenshall, and 32.5% adults between 18 and 24 years. There are also 6.83% of those in the 25-44 age bracket and 5.83% of those in the 45-64 age bracket. A small minority of residents in Wrenshall, MN commute to work by walking or carpooling.