Wannaska, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Wannaska MN is a city in Minnesota with approximately 894 residents. The city's population is a combination of both white and black people. Among the population is a 0.3% black population, 1.8% Hispanic or Latino population, 0.7% Pacific Islander population, and 0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native population.

Wannaska is located within 115 miles of two large cities. You can find flights to either of these big cities or small cities within four hours of Wannaska. If you are looking to visit a larger city, it may be worth searching for flights to nearby cities.

The zip code for Wannaska is 56761. This code includes the city's population, schools, museums, hospitals, and libraries. It also contains the city's address. You can use the Quick Select feature of our website to look up a specific address or ZIP code.