Trosky, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing more about Population & Steets in Troky City? If so, you've come to the right place. The city is located in the state of Minnesota, and has a population of about 4,200 people. In this article, we will compare the female and male population of Trosky to the state's average. We'll also examine the race and ethnicity of the population.

The population density of Trosky is 79 people per square mile, which is lower than both the state and national averages. This is compared to the population density of neighboring communities like Leota CDP, which is 112 people per square mile. The city is farther south than nearby Edgerton, which has a population density of 1,084 per square mile. And while there's not much to see in Trosky, you can still find plenty of places to enjoy the outdoors in this area.

The median age of residents in Trosky is 46.5 years. Twenty percent of the population is under the age of 18, while two percent are between 18 and 24. The median home price in Trosky is $81,900, with a 5.4% appreciation over the last decade. A few things you should know before making a decision on Trosky. You'll be glad you did. So now you know what Trosky has to offer.

A lot of the people in Trosky are married. Approximately 87% of households in Trosky are married. That makes it the second city in the metro area where married couples are the most common. The average number of people per family in Trosky is 2.8. If you're considering moving to Trosky City, it's definitely worth considering. But make sure to do your research! And remember to take the time to compare the area to the surrounding cities.