Storden, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering how many people live in Storden City, Minnesota, you have come to the right place. This article will explain how many people live in this city and what they do for a living. You'll learn where the majority of the people live and what their occupations are. Once you understand the statistics, you can make an educated decision when choosing a home in Storden City.

The most popular racial or ethnic groups in Storden, MN are White, Two Or More, and Hispanic. Depending on the size of the family, the income of each member must be above the poverty line for the family to be considered poor. The median home value is $55,900, and the average home appreciation rate in Storden is 5.1% over the last decade.

The median household income in Storden is $30,694 for men and $42,817 for women. The per capita income in Storden, MN is $15,134. There are 116 households and 115 businesses in Storden. Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade are the largest industries in Storden, and they employ a total of 116 people. Public Administration and Construction are the highest paying industries in Storden.

The city has a population of 248. The median household income is $40,139. Its poverty rate is 0%. The median age of residents is 27.9%. The median household income is $26,398. The median household size is 2.23 people. Overall, the population of Storden is estimated to grow by -0.3% over the next year. The most common ethnic groups are White (Non-Hispanic), Two or More (Black or Hispanic), and One Or More. The most common foreign-born people are from Mexico. Other foreign-born groups include Somalia, India, and Somalia.