Squaw Lake, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Squaw Lake, MN, is home to 95 people of all races and ethnicities. Of these people, 0.0% are black, 0.0% are Asian, and 0.0% are Hispanic, Latino, or Pacific Islander. The rest are white, and 49.5% identify as American Indian or Alaska Native. There are also four people in Squaw Lake who are bi-racial, which means they are a combination of two races.

Education is a critical aspect of quality in any city, and having a higher percentage of educated people allows for greater economic growth. The higher the percentage of educated residents, the better, and this is especially true in Squaw Lake, MN, where 32.0% of women have a high school education. Forty-six percent have a master's degree, and 0.0% have a doctorate degree.