Spring Lake, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides general information on the population of Spring Lake, Utah. The population's racial composition is generally White. About 13% of the population is Black. 17.8% of the population is Hispanic. The percentage of people who are considered to be below the poverty line is higher for Whites. The occupations that are most common in the city are listed below. Approximately 21% of the population is employed in the service industry. The rest work in blue-collar roles.

The population of the city is approximately 2,891 people, making it the largest town in Monmouth County. The city is home to some of the most famous American cities. The population has decreased by about 3.6% in the last year. In 2011, Spring Lake's median household income was $62,473, making it the richest town in the United States. The population of the city is estimated to be 2,891 by 2020.

The ZIP code for Spring Lake is 07762. This is the default name of the city used by USPS. There are many alternate names, but the official name is D (Default). A ZIP Code can have more than one default name, but only one postal code. In addition, there may be multiple "acceptable" names for the same city. Listed below are the population and steets of Spring Lake City for 2010, 2020, and 2031.

Statistics of violent crime in Spring Lake City are available on the City of St. Paul's Open Information Portal. Statistics for property crimes show that the likelihood of a violent crime occurring in this community is one in 32. Among the people in the city, 75.5% are white. A population of this racial makeup is generally affluent one. If you're looking for real estate in this area, you can find 17 active homes for sale in Spring Lake Park. The median listing price for a home is $299,950.