Santiago, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you have never been to Chile before, you may be wondering how the population and steets in Santiago City look like. Listed below are some of the important statistics about the city and the people who live there. It is important to know the demographics of any place before visiting, so you can make a better decision about your visit. In addition to the demographics, you can also find out where the main streets are located.

In Santiago City, the poorest communes have the lowest number of female inhabitants, which is reflected by a high gender mobility gap. In addition, the gender mobility gap increases in the poorest neighborhoods, while it is less pronounced in wealthy areas. In order to measure the effect of the gender mobility gap on the sex ratio, Fisher (1924) looked at the mean value of (hat N_l) in cells that belong to different quartiles in the GSE ratio distribution. The results of the study indicate that public transport is less equalizing for women than for men.

In the past, Santiago city's population has continued to grow. From the mid-seventeenth century to the early 20th century, the city's population increased by an average of 2.69 percent per year. From 1952 to 1960, the city's population increased by almost five percent annually, mainly due to immigration and high fertility rates. The growth rate has slowed down since then, though, and the metropolitan area will grow to over seven million people by the year 2030.