Saint Peter, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Saint Peter City? What is the overall age structure of Saint Peter City residents? This article will discuss those topics and more. In the meantime, let's review the current population. What age group is the city most likely to attract? How many people are over 54 years old? What are the differences between older and younger residents in Saint Peter City? What factors contribute to the age distribution?

The number of households in Saint Peter City has been growing over the past decade, with two years of growth exceeding one hundred. However, overall growth of owner-occupancy households in Saint Peter City was relatively slow between 2000 and 2005. Although construction of housing units grew quickly in this period, the number of owner-occupied households was relatively stable. This trend may be attributable to slightly different effective dates for each source.

Despite the age-old population growth, the minority populations have continued to grow. The 2000 and 2010 Census data show that the minority population in Saint Peter continued to increase. While the majority of residents were White, a small minority of Hispanic/Latino households made up 4.6%. However, this is changing. While it is still a minority-populated city, the population of minorities has been growing faster in recent decades.

Several nonprofit developers in Saint Peter City applied for HUD Housing Choice Vouchers. One project was slated to build 40 new units, with four units being for long-term homeless households. The remaining 36 units would be for general occupancy, with some rented to seniors. If the project is selected, construction would begin in 2013 and initial occupancy will take place in 2014.