Rollingstone, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population of Rollingstone City, Minnesota is 677 people. The population peaked in 1990 when it had a population of 697 people. Since then, the population of Rollingstone has decreased by -0.16% per year. The median house value is $170,800. The median age for the city's residents is 31.5 years, and its median household income is $68,200.

In the year 2015, there were 349 people living in Rollingstone. There were 73 residents of all sexes, and 12% were male. The city had a 1.3 percent male-to-female income inequality. Among the 349 residents of Rollingstone, the highest paying industries were Health Care & Social Assistance, Education, and Manufacturing. Moreover, 10.9% of the city's population works for the government, and only 1.5% of the workforce is employed by the private sector.

The poverty rate in Rollingstone is 4.9%, and the number of residents aged 65 or older is 13.7%. The rate of education is high, with 95.2% of residents possessing a high school degree or higher. Thirty-nine percent of residents hold a bachelor's degree or higher. And only 0.3% of Rollingstone residents identify as Hispanic. So, if you're thinking about moving to Rollingstone, start your research by figuring out its median income per household.