Rock Creek, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article, you'll learn about the population and steets of Rock Creek City, Ohio. The racial makeup of Rock Creek is divided into four categories: White, Black, and Native American. According to the most recent census, the poverty rate in Rock Creek was 2.12% among full-time workers and 7.4% among part-timers. The most common age range for married individuals in Rock Creek is 35-44. Non-citizens include legal residents, international students, temporary workers, and illegal immigrants.

The city's most common land use is agriculture. Its northwest and east sides have large tracts of land slated for development. These developments have not yet begun, however, due to the city's slow recovery from the Great Recession. In addition, the city's racial makeup is changing. While a few neighborhoods remain predominantly black, others are seeing a shift towards more diverse communities.

A quick online search will give you the population and steets of neighboring towns in Rock Creek, OH. These listings will help you plan your trip and see what is nearby. You may even want to consider a trip to one of these cities if you want to get a sense of the area and learn more about the local culture. Consider all the towns in the area before you decide to settle in Rock Creek!

The city's median age is 45.3 and its median household income is $47,188. The median price for a single-family home in Rock Creek is expected to reach $228,868 in 2021, while the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is about $880 per month. The climate in Rock Creek is very pleasant in summer and coldest in winter, with temperatures averaging about seven degrees Fahrenheit.