Robbinsdale, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Robbinsdale, Minnesota is over 14,000 people. The median household income is $57,357. In addition, Robbinsdale has a higher than average percentage of young professionals. However, there are still a few key facts about the city that you should know before moving there. Here are some interesting facts about Robbinsdale. We'll cover a few of them in this article.

First of all, the city of Robbinsdale, Minnesota has a median age of 36.2. Those residents are made up of both native and foreign born residents. The median age for Robbinsdale residents is 36. Most residents are white. However, people of African descent make up nearly half of the population. Native-born residents are slightly younger than foreign-born residents. Foreign-born residents in Robbinsdale, MN are slightly older than residents in neighboring communities.

There are 8,195 residents of Robbinsdale. Nearly 7 percent use transit to commute to work. A small percentage of residents also choose to walk or take public transportation. One of the largest cities in the country, Portland, Oregon, has a high percentage of employees biking to work. Bicycling is on the rise in both large and mid-sized cities. In fact, Portland, Oregon leads the way among large cities with 6% of its employees taking public transportation.

Robbinsdale enjoys a well-gridded street network. Additionally, sidewalks connect to the city's public spaces. The city has been engaged in a multi-modal plan for improving pedestrian connectivity. The city is located along a major roadway corridor with U.S. Highway 100 and Bottineau Boulevard. The city is also served by the future Bottineau Light Rail Transit line.