Redby, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Redby City, Nebraska, is 57.4 percent white and 12.5% black. Other races include American Indian, Asian, and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. The city also has a significant Pakistani population. The city's population is younger than the national average. The median age of the population is 19.4 years, which is nearly eight years younger than the country's average.

The city is home to a number of important institutions, including the Pickford's House Museum, which opened in 1988. In 1995, a ram sculpture was erected in Albion Street. The city's manufacturing industry is significant, as is tourism, including the Derby Silk Mill, which is undergoing a major restoration. The city has a population of 256,000. Its history dates back to approximately 50 AD, although the city's official name was Derventio. During Bonnie Prince Charlie's mission to the throne, the city was the name he used to call the capital of his territory.