Osage, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Osage City, KS, there are some things you should know. First, what is the population of Osage City? How much money does the average resident make? What racial makeup of the city looks like? Are there any notable neighborhoods? Do people here speak other languages? Do they have children? All these facts will help you make an informed decision about whether or not Osage City is right for you.

The population of Osage City is approximately 51,000. This city is located in Osage County, Kansas. The city is not included in the township population figures. However, the largest city in a township will be included in the total population. Osage City has one weekly newspaper, The Osage County Herald-Chronicle, with a circulation of 4,500. The paper was formed by merging two previous newspapers: The Osage County Herald and The Osage County Chronicle.

The median age for all residents of Osage City, KS was 37.2 in 2019. This figure includes both native citizens and foreign-born citizens. Foreign-born residents in Osage City, KS were on average 47.5% younger than residents of neighboring geographies. While most residents commuting by car, the number of those who commute by public transit is significantly higher. Therefore, if you want to live in a place where crime rates are lower, consider moving to Osage City.

The population of Osage City, Kansas is expected to reach 2,773 in 2020. This makes it the 6496th largest city in the United States. The population of Osage City has been declining steadily since the 2010 Census, decreasing by -0.43% each year. The city spans three square miles and has a population density of 881 people per square mile. And if you do decide to move to Osage City, you'll want to learn as much as possible about the city.