Norwood Young America, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the population and steets of Norwood Young America City, you will have to use the official United States census data. The city is located on the upper Mississippi River about 20 miles west of Wisconsin. The most comfortable months are August, June, and July. January is the wettest month. You can also find other demographic data on the city by visiting the city's website.

The most common racial group in Norwood Young America, MN is white. There are also around 136 black non-Hispanics and 83 two-and-over residents. Only 0.75 percent of the population is hispanic. In general, the city is an upper middle-class place. The city is home to many people who are employed in various fields. For example, many residents are military.

In Norwood Young America, MN, the median property value is $187,800. This is a 0.781 times smaller than the national average. The median household income is $69,136. In Norwood Young America, MN, the median age is 35.2. Homeownership is 68.7%. The median property value is $187,800, and the median home is two bedrooms.