Mapleton, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article explains Population & Steets in Maperton City, Minnesota. For the first time, this information can be found in one location. Mapleton City is located near the northwest corner of 800 West and 2000 South. To the east is Mapleton City Park, which sits at the southeast corner of Maple and Main streets. Nearby is Ira Allen Park, located at the northwest corner of 800 West and 2000 South. The city is also home to several parks, including Eagle Rock Park, North Park, and Harvest Parkway. In Mapleton City, residents can also find the Old White Church and the Pioneer Heritage Museum at 115 South Main Street. The city also maintains offices at 125 West Community Center Way and the public works building at 1405 West 1600 North.

The area has an overall low poverty rate of 3.74%. This rate may include both white Hispanic residents and white non-Hispanics. In Mapleton, most residents are White or Hispanic, and the age group with the lowest poverty rate is 45-54. The city also has a high rate of married residents, with the oldest male being 55-64. Non-citizens in Mapleton City include international students, temporary workers, and humanitarian migrants. Non-citizens, on the other hand, are not U.S. citizens.

The percentage of single residents in Mapleton is 43%. The lowest single population rate in the area is 4%. The average family size is 4.0. Mapleton's demographics reflect its unique population makeup. However, the city is home to a number of older residents. Mapleton is an older town, and the population age is in line with the average U.S. age. There are no known deaths in Mapleton, but there are plenty of other factors that contribute to its high population density.