Little Canada, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking of moving to Little Canada City, Minnesota, you should know the population and sate statistics of this town. This information is compiled from the 2010 census and other historical state references and is provided for your reference. The population in Little Canada, MN is 66.46% White, 1.74% Black non-Hispanic, and 5.29% Hispanic. For more information, please view the Little Canada city profile.

The current mayor of Little Canada is John Keis, a longtime member of the community and an executive with Ameriprise Financial. Keis served on the city council from 2006 to 2014, and was on the Planning Commission from 1991 to 2004. He won the 2014 election unopposed, and succeeded former Mayor Bill Blesener, who passed away from cancer at the age of 74. Blesener served as mayor from 2005 until his death.

The median household income of the people living in Little Canada, MN is $52,842. This is lower than the median income in the United States, which is $65,712.

In 2010, there were 4,375 residents. Twenty-six percent were under the age of 18, 10.1% were 18-24 years old, and 41.6% were between 25-44. Twenty-one percent of residents were 45-64 years old. Twelve percent were 65 and older. The gender makeup of Little Canada City was 47.8% male and 52.2% female. You may find the information useful if you plan to move to the area.