Lengby, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and steets of Lengby City, Minnesota, you're in luck! The population and steets of Lengby are just as revealing as the numbers themselves. Here, you'll discover the crime rate in Lengby, as well as other vital statistics. Take a look and see for yourself! You'll be amazed by the results!

The overall cost of living in Lengby is lower than the state and national average, as is the case in the surrounding areas. While certain aspects of life may be more expensive, overall Lengby's costs of housing and utilities are significantly lower than the national average. Additionally, groceries, transportation, and health care are cheaper, as well. So, if you're planning on moving to Lengby, this may be a great choice.

The total number of people living in Lengby is 44. Its male population is 54.5% larger than that of females. This makes the city slightly less equal in terms of income inequality. While males have a higher average income than women, lengby's average income will be $57,325 by 2022. Despite the modest growth rate, Lengby is still significantly lower than other similar-sized cities in the US.