Lastrup, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When determining the number of people living in Lastrup City, Minnesota, it can be helpful to look at the city's population statistics. Lastrup has a population of 98, and the average commute time is about 26 minutes. The median home value in Lastrup is $101,700, and over the last 10 years, the home appreciation rate has been 7.4%. There are over a dozen different topics covered, so be sure to review them all.

Lastrup is located in Morrison County, Minnesota. The city has a population of 98 people, and it is home to a number of businesses. The city is situated on Minnesota State Highway 27, which is the main route for the city. Lastrup is one of the few cities in Minnesota that is less than a hundred square miles. Its land area is 0.45 square miles, and there is only a small amount of water in the city.

The poverty rate in Lastrup is 0.2% for the White race. The other race, however, is a much bigger issue. The other race has NaN% of people living below the poverty line. In Lastrup, poverty rates were 2.04% for full-time workers, 0.00% for part-time workers, and 8.33% for non-workers. Non-citizens are those who are not citizens of the United States or Canada. These include legal permanent residents, temporary workers, and humanitarian migrants. The only racial groups with a poverty rate higher than the overall average are African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans.