Lake George, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When searching for information about the Population & Steets in LakeGeorge City, New York, you may be wondering how many people live in this town. Luckily, there are several ways to find out. One of the easiest ways is to visit the library or museum in town. Each has information on the history of the city. This way, you'll know exactly what to expect when visiting the city.

The population of Lake George is 186 people. According to 2016 US CENSUS figures, the median household income is $45,000, while the median gross rent is $725 per month. That means that you won't have to pay much more than you would have if you lived in the city. The median age is 28.4 years old, and there are plenty of places to find an affordable Lake George apartment.

The Town Of LakeGeorge is a county subdivision in Warren County, NY. According to the Geographic Names Information System, Lake George is located at an elevation of 580 feet above sea level. The area code is (518). The population of Lake George has decreased by 3.02 percent since the 2010 Census and by 4.8% from the 2000 Census. When searching for the Lake George, NY zip code, make sure to search in the nearest city.

Historically, Lake George was known as Caldwell. It is located within the eastern edge of the Adirondack Park. During Colonial times, it was a route for military forces between the British and French colonies. The French burned Fort William Henry in the town during the French and Indian War. It now serves as a living museum. The village is home to several museums and historical sites. Among them is a museum dedicated to local history.