Iron, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Iron City, GA is 242 people, and the median age is 60.5. The median household income is $46,875, which is higher than the Georgia average of $41,026. The city is home to a very diverse mix of residents and the percentage of people who are not U.S. citizens is very low at 0.826%. Here are some statistics that may interest you:

The city's history goes back to the 19th century, when immigrants from Germany, Lithuania, and Italy migrated here. Later, Black Americans arrived in the city, along with Portuguese and Spanish immigrants. This diversity attracted immigrants from Central and South America. The three languages spoken in the city include Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Its cosmopolitan nature and Iberian flavor continue to attract new immigrants.

The Ironbound area of Newark is home to multiethnic and working-class residents. The region is home to approximately 33% of Newark's total tax base, and factories, warehouses, and public housing complexes remain. The Ironbound Community Corporation (IBCC) collaborates with other neighborhood organizations, cultural groups, athletic groups, and religious organizations to develop and support the community. These organizations strive to make the Ironbound area a healthier and more vibrant place to live.