Columbia Heights, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered what the population of Columbia Heights City looks like, you've come to the right place. Check out our Population & Steets report to find out. We've compiled the most recent census data from the U.S. Census Bureau to give you a general idea of the city's demographic makeup. However, you should be aware that while the U.S. Census Bureau updates its demographic data annually, it can't guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any particular data.

The population of Columbia Heights is currently twenty-four thousand, making it the 1,807th largest city in the US. The city covers an area of 3.4 square miles and is home to approximately 20,427 people. Its median household income is $60,778, and it has an average household income of $74,912. This figure includes people between the ages of 25 and 44. People between the ages of 45 and 64 are the wealthiest residents of Columbia Heights, while people under 25 and older than 65 earn the lowest. The city's housing stock is eight thousand and sixty-five and is comprised of 8,625 units. Of those, sixty-five percent are owner-occupied, while twenty-four percent are renters.

The Columbia Heights neighborhood is home to the largest Latino population in the area. Between 2012 and 2016, Latinos comprised about seven percent of the city's labor force and 52 percent of them had jobs requiring a commute. Its retail landscape is complemented by DC USA, a 890,000-square-foot retail complex that includes Best Buy, Marshalls, and Target, as well as dozens of small retailers and restaurants. The neighborhood has also seen the emergence of numerous businesses, coffee shops, and fast-casual restaurants.