Bruno, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a quick demographic breakdown of Bruno City, California, you've come to the right place. The city's population and steets are based on the 2019 American Community Survey. This data is updated annually and does not guarantee accuracy. For more detailed information on population and steets data, please visit the city's official website. Also, you can find out more about public schools and the area's public transportation system.

For instance, in San Bruno, CA, the median home value is $908,300. This is nearly 3 times larger than the state average. This city is also lower than the national homeownership rate (64.1%), and lower than neighboring geographies (63.2%). And while the average commute time is 28 minutes, it's still a bit long. In addition, San Bruno residents drive to work alone on average, and only 15.7% used public transportation.

The age distribution of residents of San Bruno, CA is quite interesting. The median age of the city's residents is 33 years old. The population is made up of households ranging from two to four members. Thirty-one percent of households are non-families, with one or two members of each gender. One-third of the households are made up of a single person, while twenty-two percent are made up of couples. And there are 176 individuals over 65 years old living alone.

The first Spanish settlers in San Bruno were Ohlone. The city was discovered by an expedition led by Gaspar de Portola and Bruno de Heceta. They named the largest landmass Mount San Bruno after St. Bruno of Cologne, founder of a medieval monastic order. The community grew after the war. In 1947, the Bayshore Freeway was completed and included an interchange in San Bruno.