Bemidji, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering how to get to Bemidji City, Minnesota, you've come to the right place. Here's some information on the population and steets of the city. For the last Census, the population was 26,368. The population is made up of men and women of all ages, with 21.2% under the age of 18 and 25. The remaining households were made up of men and women, with 17.5% between 45 and 64. A little bit about the gender composition in the city is also useful. Males outnumbered females in Bemidji City by 87.1 to every 100 residents, while women outnumbered males by 52.7%.

Before the 1880s, there were only a handful of people in Bemidji, so it was only natural that they would be among the first settlers. In 1882, the Leech Lake Indians called the lake Bemidjigumaug, which means a river flowing crosswise. Soon, Bemidji had three publishing companies, including the Bemidji Journal and the Bemidji News, which was published by Clarence Speelman. By 1900, there were nearly 2,000 people living in the city.

Bemidji is a compact city located on Lake Bemidji. The city is bounded by MN-197, the main artery, and is home to several lakes. The city is a fairly poor community, with 22 percent of residents living below the poverty line. The city's ethnic mix includes many Americans and is made up primarily of white people. Bemidji has many arts and crafts organizations, and the streets are lined with public art.