White Pine, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to White Pine City, TN, you might be wondering if it has a large population. In fact, it does, but that doesn't mean you should move there. This article provides an overview of the area. In addition to its population, you can learn about the schools and other aspects of living in White Pine City. It also provides a quick list of the nearest cities that you can visit for further information.

The most important feature of White Pine City is its location. It is a small city in the Midwest. It is characterized by an oak-lined courthouse square, band shells, and gazebos. In addition, the one-chair barbershops are an excellent choice for lunch. The local population is very friendly, and residents are eager to help you find what you're looking for.

In the 2010 Census, there were 1,068 households in White Pine City, with thirty-five percent of households having children under the age of eighteen. Another forty-two percent were married couples. Hispanics comprised 12.8% of the population. The 2010 Census reported a median family income of $30,651. Because of high population growth, the figures are likely higher today. The city's staff estimates the local unemployment rate at 8-10%, as of March 2012.

The most commonly-identified race in White Pine City is white. The most common ethnic group in White Pine City is white, while the next most common race or ethnicity is black or African-American. A small minority of residents is black or Hispanic, and the rest of the population is two-plus-one. Using a map can help you find the best home for you and your family.