West Olive, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know how safe West Olive is, you might want to check out the Violent Crime Map for the city. This map shows how many violent crimes occur in the city per 1,000 residents each year. West Olive has higher violent crime rates than neighboring cities and the state of Michigan. However, these numbers do not necessarily mean that West Olive is unsafe for residents. If you do decide to live in West Olive, you should still be aware of the potential dangers.

To find out more about the population of West Olive, take a look at the demographics of the city. The most common means of transportation are cars, motorcycles, and walking. Of the 3,985 residents who use cars to commute, 30 use walking and eight use motorcycles. All these data are taken from the US Census Bureau's 2020 American Community Survey. While some demographics may change from year to year, you can still look at the most recent information from the city.