West Branch, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of West Branch City? What are the racial and ethnic composition of the city's population? This is important information for any area of Michigan, but it's even more important for West Branch City. This map shows the median household income of West Branch, MI, as well as how it compares to its parent and neighboring geographies. Also, it shows the percentage of residents who walked or took the bus to get to work.

West Branch, MI has a population of 2,01k, with about half being non-Hispanic and the other half being hispanic. While males were 1.3 times more likely to be college graduates, females were less likely to have earned college degrees. The median household income was $60,650, making it a middle-class city. It is also the fifth-most-educated city in Michigan, with only a 0.1% poverty rate.

The population of West Branch City is a comparatively small one. Its industrial park is home to an industrial facility for Procter & Gamble, a Cincinnati-based company. The building is over 550,000 square feet (51,000 m2) and is also home to Plastic Products, Acciona Wind Energy North America, and Tidewater Direct. The city is also home to the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. Here, the National Park Service and the National Archives and Records Administration maintain the legacy of Rose Wilder Lane, the famous author and West Branch resident.

The population of West Branch is not listed in the US Census, but it is part of a larger metropolitan area. There are many places in West Branch that are called this name, including a town, a village, and a school. The ZIP code for West Branch is D (Default), and this is the preferred name according to the USPS. The population of the city is around 2,134.