Weidman, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the statistics on the Population & Steets in Weildman City, MI. The city has a total population of 844 people. The average commute time to work is 17.9 minutes, and the median home value is $125,400. Overall, the city has seen a 7.7% increase in home value since 2000. You can view the complete Weidman, MI demographics report to see how your neighborhood stacks up to other places in the area.

Weidman, MI is home to 784 White residents. The city is home to 17 people who are White (non-Hispanic). There are also 16 people in the American Indian and Alaska Native (non-Hispanic) communities. There are seven different races represented in Weidman, MI. These statistics are based on census data for the city, which is tagged to residential addresses.