Walled Lake, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Walled Lake is located in Oakland County, Michigan. The USPS has designated this ZIP code as WALLED LAKE. The default name is Walled Lake. ZIP codes have one default name, which is not always the city's name. The estimated population for Walled Lake is 4,656 in 2020. You can also learn more about the city's schools in this online directory.

The United States Census Bureau provides information on population density. This data is used to determine how many people live in a given city or community. It is important to note that the population density in Walled Lake is significantly higher than the population density of neighboring cities. In fact, the area has experienced an increase of 154 people since 2000! The city is located in the heart of the metro area.

The city's population is 6,999 as of the 2010 census. It borders Commerce Township on the north and Novi on the south. It is located approximately 20 miles northwest of Detroit. The Ojibwa and Potowatamie people inhabited the area until around 1830. These tribes likely relocated from a former village in Southfield. The town's history is a tangled web of cultural histories.

In the city of Walled Lake, MI, most households spent more than 50% of their income on rental housing. The rent burden is an important indicator of affordability. In Walled Lake, the rent burden is lower than the state average, at 31.7%. In comparison, neighboring cities, such as Livonia, have lower rent burdens. A city's rent burden is 40% or more of its housing units.