Sylvan Lake, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sylvan Lake, Michigan is an excellent choice for people looking to live in the Midwest. This area is in Southeast Michigan, along the Detroit River, and just across the border from Windsor, Ontario. This suburban area is marked by grid-patterned homes, which seem to stretch forever. The suburbs of the Detroit area spread primarily west of the city, while newer suburban areas sprang up north of the Detroit river, bordering the cities of Rochester and Oakland. Despite the newer, more modern suburban areas, these neighborhoods are primarily family friendly and business friendly.

The median property value in Sylvan Lake is $233,800, which is about 0.972 times smaller than the national average. The average home in this area was built between 1970 and 1999, with a few constructed in the 2000s. Sylvan Lake has an overall homeownership rate of 77.8%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. Most people in Sylvan Lake, MI commute to work alone, taking an average of 25.6 minutes to complete their daily tasks. Residents in Sylvan Lake, MI also own a car, with an average of two cars per household.

The most common racial groups in Sylvan Lake are White and Black. The percentage of non-working people in Sylvan Lake is 8.87%. Non-working residents are also fairly evenly represented. While Black and White people make up the largest percentage of the working population, other races, and sexual orientation are also well represented in the area. In Sylvan Lake, the most common occupations are sales and service jobs and management occupations. Only 8.8% of residents in this city are clerical or in service occupations.