St Louis, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you want to get the scoop on St Louis City, you may be interested in knowing the population and steets. The United States Census Bureau's 2010 American Community Survey estimates that 319,294 people lived in St Louis City. Among these people, 34.5% were African American, and the remaining population comprised 142,057 households and 67,488 families. The city has a relatively low population density of 5,158 people per square mile. The average age is 34 years old.

Before the US was in the process of taking over Louisiana, the city was home to Native Americans. They built earthwork mounds in the area and named it the Mound City. After the American Civil War, the area was divided in political sympathies. During the Union blockade of 1861, St. Louis suffered from a major economic blow as a result of the Union blockade of the city. By the 1850s, the city had become more populous than New Orleans.

The city is also the seat of the state's 1st congressional district. While it was traditionally a Republican stronghold, it has increasingly become a Democratic stronghold. Former County Executive Steve Stenger pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges, sabotaging an attempt to merge the two municipalities. In the last election, the city voted for Democrat Barack Obama, but in the past decade, the Democrats have dominated the city.