Spruce, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population of Spruce City, Michigan, you've come to the right place. The 2017 municipal census produced a 98.9% response rate for all people living in the municipality, with a total population of 35,766. This includes both occupied and unoccupied households. Listed below are the demographics for the city. In addition to the city's overall population, you can view individual profiles of each person living in Spruce City.

While this population estimate may seem low, the number of churches in Spruce City has grown over the last several decades. In 1909, the city's population was just over 12,000, with St. Mary's Cathedral remaining the only institution. The area's streets were mostly residential, and there was little commercial and industrial activity. As a result, the area's streetscape remained mostly unchanged from the 1870s.

While the community is relatively small, it does have several attractions worth checking out. Spruce Pine is home to a quaint downtown area, with two main streets, Oak Avenue and Locust Avenue. The Toe River Arts Council Gallery and The Market on Oak, which showcase the handmade art of over 100 western NC artists, can be found at 269 Oak Avenue. DT's Blue Ridge Java can be found at 169 Locust Street.

Although the population of Spruce City has declined in recent years, it has recently undergone a major effort to reinvent itself. Today, tourism has become one of the largest economic forces in the region, and the town is proud to boast the moniker of "The Mineral City of the World."