Spring Arbor, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are trying to find out more about the population of Spring Arbor, MI, you should take a look at the city's demographics. The population of Spring Arbor is estimated to be 2,924 in 2020, and is growing at a rate of 0.14% per year. Since the 2010 census, the population has increased by 0.27%. The average household income is $71,923, and the poverty rate is 5.56%. The median rent in Spring Arbor, MI is $482 a month, and the median house value is $190,400. The median age of the population is 22.8 years, and the average age is 23.8 years for males and 21.9 years for females.

In the 2010 census, there were 643 households in the city. Twenty-five percent of households were headed by married couples, while the rest were headed by single people. Only 6.7% of households were headed by a woman without her husband. Forty-two percent of households were non-families, while 38.9% were made up of single people. There were also 23.8% of senior citizens living alone in the city. The average household size was 2.24 people, while the median family size was 3.04.

The median age of residents of the Spring Arbor city CDP was 22 years old in 2019. The median age of foreign-born citizens in Spring Arbor, MI was 22 years old, which is slightly higher than the national average. In addition, non-citizens in Spring Arbor, MI were most likely to have two cars, but the highest percentage was occupied by people who didn't have cars.