South Range, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current Population & Steets in Southrange City, Michigan are listed below. These numbers are based on the most recent United States Census data available. South Range is located in Adams County, Michigan, United States. The city has a population of 729 people, which is about the same as the population of Saginaw, Michigan. In 2010, the population of South Range was 7,58 people, while in 2020 it is expected to grow to be 10,720 people.

The median income of the residents of South Range is $31,000. The unemployment rate in this city is 3.9%. Twenty-one percent of the population works for the government. 63.5% of the households are owner-occupied. There are different levels of education in the city, with 58.7% of residents receiving a four-year college degree or higher. The median age of residents in South Range is forty-nine.