Sauk Centre, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a trip to Sauk Center City, you might want to know how to find the zip code. The official zip code for this city is 56378 and it belongs to the Multi-counties region. Its area code is 320. The population of this Minnesota city is below average. You can find your home address by ZIP code with the following information. You can find the zip code on your property address in Sauk Centre City, MN.

The population of Sauk Centre City is estimated at 4,040 people. There are a total of 1,851 households. Twenty-nine percent of these households have children under the age of eighteen. Twenty-four percent of households are married, but there are a few single women living alone, making up 5.6% of households. The median age for people in this city is 35.4 years, with a male to female ratio of 47:52.

Crime in Sauk Centre is much lower than that of other cities in the United States. The area around parks and major airports has a relatively low population, but crime can happen anywhere. In some parts of Sauk Centre, crime statistics look higher than they actually are. A good rule of thumb is to avoid areas of town where crime is more common. Crime does not necessarily have to be as severe in the city's central area, but it may be safer if residents avoid areas that are crowded with people.

The city is accessible through Interstate 94 and U.S. Highway 71. Its city hall is located at Exit 127 on Interstate 94. The Original Main Street intersects with Sinclair Lewis Avenue. From here, it is possible to walk to the city hall. In addition, the city's campground is open seasonally. Sauk Centre is located in Stearns County and has an estimated population of 4,317 residents.