Saline, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know how many families live in Saline City? What is the average family size in Saline? Here are some interesting facts. The population of Saline is approximately 8,948 people. The city is located in Washtenaw County. The city has many small businesses and is known for its high quality of life. The city also has a small but thriving arts community. It is the perfect location for families to start a family.

About 98.5% of Saline, MI residents are US citizens. This number is down from 98.6% in 2018, and is on the lower end of the national average. It is important to note that the city has a high percentage of military veterans, as most of the local population is made up of former servicemen and veterans. There are also several universities and colleges located in Saline. You can also find local schools that can provide you with management trainees.

Before 1831, the village of Saline was named Saline. The town also had a post office called Saline Crossing. In 1833, the town was named after U.S. Senator Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri. The city became the county seat after the bridge was completed. Because of its central location on the Southwest Trail, it has a heavier population. In the last few years, it has grown to become one of the most populous small towns in the state.