Pentwater, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pentwater City, Michigan is 717. The median home price is $260,000, with an average commute time of 22.0 minutes. Over the last decade, home values in Pentwater have appreciated 7.3%. Despite a modest increase in home prices over the last decade, Pentwater is an expensive place to live. To find out more about Pentwater, explore the city's average home value and median household income.

The median age of residents in Pentwater is 66.1, with native citizens averaging 66 years of age and foreign-born residents around 49. The median age of residents is aging. The median age of residents in Pentwater was 62 years old in 2018, making Pentwater a comparatively older city. Of those who were born outside the United States, the largest proportion was from Mexico. Of the eight streets in Pentwater, eight were named after signers of the Declaration of Independence.

The crime rate in Pentwater varies from one part of the city to another. The city's central section has the lowest crime rate, while the west part has the highest rate of crime. Crime rates may appear to be higher in these areas, but it's important to note that crime is where there are people. If you're unsure of the area's safety, you can use Crime Grade's interactive crime map to find out.

The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Pentwater, MI is White. Nearly ninety-five percent of the Pentwater population was on some type of health insurance plan, with 1.69% on military or VA plans. The median household income in Pentwater, MI is $50655, compared with $5132 in the neighboring state of Michigan.