Palms, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This page provides a demographic breakdown of the population of Palms City, California. Residents are primarily renters, with only 8% of dwellings being owned. The Westside Village district is the only place in the city with a significant concentration of single-family homes. Before World War II, Palms was largely constructed in an assembly-line fashion, but the city has gradually evolved into a broader range of architectural styles, including modern and historic.

The old town is a perfect area for architecture lovers, with countless mansions and historic buildings, many of which are still fully restored. There are also a number of high-end apartment buildings here, and the neighborhood remains peaceful, with city hall offices limiting activity on restaurant terraces. The city is home to the world's largest cathedral, which was built in 1857. The surrounding area has a very diverse population, with large houses on multiple floors and town apartments.