Osseo, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Osseo, Minnesota has a population of 2,189, of which about 46.5% are of voting age. There are many races represented in Osseo, and the greatest percentage of residents identify as White. However, there are also many people who report other ancestries. The top three most common ancestries are German, Norwegian, and English. The city is home to a small Hispanic population, at 2.1%.

Osseo City has a low percentage of residents below the federal poverty level, and Hispanics are the least likely race to be below the poverty level. Full-time workers had the lowest poverty rate, while part-time workers had a higher percentage. Non-workers accounted for a larger percentage of those living below the poverty line, with 7.47% of the population falling below the median. Males in Osseo are more likely to be married than women, with the youngest married men at forty-five and 55. Non-citizens include international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.

Boerboom Park in downtown Osseo is home to the Osseo Veterans Memorial. The Civil War monument was erected in 1937. The Honor Roll memorial, erected on Memorial Day 1945, includes the names of World War I and World II veterans. The town has one park named for the late priest, Father Boerboom. Boerboom served as the pastor and principal of the St. Vincent Rectory. It is free to the public to attend the various events.