Onekama, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets in Onekama City are not as big as those of many other Sparse Suburbs, but they are a great place to live and work. The overall cost of living in Onekama is below the national average and is better than most areas in the state. Although some areas may be higher than others on a state and federal level, overall, housing, utilities, groceries, and miscellaneous goods are less expensive than the national average.

Among the 396 residents of Onekama, Michigan, there are 65 Two+ residents and 0 non-Hispanic citizens. Onekama's average annual income is $71,250, which is higher than the median annual income of $65,712 in the entire United States. The population of Onekama, MI is composed of 7 races, with the majority of its residents belonging to one or more of them. The top two foreign-born countries are Mexico and Iraq.

Although Onekama is not the most populous city in Michigan, it does have an impressive number of young people who are looking to start a new life. There is a typical family of 3.7 members, which ranks Onekama number 18193 nationally and 549th in diversity in the state. However, these demographics are not always so promising. The population of Onekama is a sign of the future, and its growth will depend on the people who live there.

Onekama has a very small percentage of people who are single. While this may not seem like a lot, it's important to note that the poverty rate in Onekama is only 3.33% for full-time workers. There are also some people living in poverty who are unemployed. Age 35-44 is the median age for both males and females. Non-citizens include non-citizens, legal residents, international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.