North Muskegon, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing more about the population and steets of North Muskegon City? Read on. Here is an overview of the city's statistics:

The city is home to a diverse population. At the 2010 census, there were 3,778 residents in North Muskegon. The median household income was $56,771, which is well below the state's average. Non citizens in North Muskegon are typically older than other people, with a median age of 41.2. There are no mandatory preschool programs in North Muskegon, so these statistics are based on historical state references.

In North Muskegon, MI, the majority of households are white. Single female/male households would also be included in the racial diversity index. Similarly, a lower percentage would indicate that the single householder is living with family members or is a student. Using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis, the chart can better show variation in smaller means of transportation. The table below shows the breakdown of the population by bucket.

The North Muskegon city ZIP code is the area code used for mailing. Its alternative names usually refer to large neighborhoods and sections of the city. Some ZIP codes have several "acceptable" names for each area, allowing for multiple towns and neighborhoods to be grouped under the same code. There are also two estimates for the future population of North Muskegon: 2020 and 2010 Census. The information below was compiled using the Michigan Census Data Comparison Tool.