New Era, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

New Era, MI has a population of 423 people. The majority of residents are citizens, with only 1.18% of residents being foreign-born. The median household income in New Era was $65,938 in 2020, up from $63,748 in 2010. The majority of residents are White (Non-Hispanic), with the next two most common racial or ethnic groups.

According to the US Census Bureau, 99.3% of the population in New Era is American-born. That's about one-third of the total population in the United States. Among residents in New Era who are 18 years old, 11.5% are veterans. In Michigan, veterans make up 7.3% of the adult civilian population.

The most common language in New Era is English. In fact, it's the most common language in the U.S. and Michigan, where 99.3% of the population speaks only English very well. This number is even higher in New Era. In Michigan and the U.S., the majority of the population speaks only English.

Gentrification is a complex process, and it depends on race, class, and other demographic factors. Many authors point to the role of young millennials in the process, citing that these individuals are less likely to harbor racial animosity than older generations. In addition, downtown areas of cities have experienced a decline in violent crime over the past two decades. And with the rising number of people working outside of the home, the demand for jobs close to home is growing. Finally, public policy decisions can play an important role in gentrification, as well.