Mulliken, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information on the Population & Steets of Mulliken City, IL is compiled from multiple sources to give you a complete picture of the city's demographics. The median age of the people in Mulliken is 41, and families average 2.8 members. While some areas have higher incomes and lower incomes than others, the average cost of housing, utilities, groceries, miscellaneous goods, and other items are lower in Mulliken than the national average.

The USPS gives the city name Mulliken and the ZIP Code. This default name is what residents call the city. Listed below are the 2010 and 2020 population estimates for the city. This information is useful for planning a road trip or exploring the surrounding area. The population of Mulliken is given for both the city and its ZIP code. The city is located approximately 41 miles from the state capital, Detroit.

The median income of people in Mulliken is $71,188. The poverty rate is 6.96%. The median house value is $113,000 and the median income is $775. The median age is 48. Males are slightly older than females. While the median income is low in Mulliken, it is still considerably higher than the national average. There are many jobs in Mulliken, MI.

As for the income of residents, the median household income in Mulliken, MI is $57,250, which is below the national median of $65,712 and 4.7% below the national average. Compared to neighboring and parent geographies, Mulliken's median annual income is lower than the national average. With this information, you can compare the Mulliken City median income with other communities in the area.