Middleton, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Middleton, the population is highly diverse. Approximately 84% of the population is white, with 9.8% of residents identifying as black or African American. The city's other main ethnic groups are Hispanic or Latino and Asian. Only 2.6% of Middleton residents are other races. Most people are white, with just 3% of residents identifying as Asian. There are more male residents in Middleton than female, and the median age was 36.

Income levels are high in Middleton, with an overall median household income of $106,326. There are also a number of lower income households here. Non-family households account for 83% of Middleton's total population, but their incomes are not as high as those of other communities. While Middleton is near the Boston area, median home prices and rents are still very low.

The age of the head of household may help determine the demand for certain types of housing units. For example, 39% of Middleton's households were headed by adults between 45 and 59. By 2030, Middleton will have a decrease in younger head of households, while an increase in older households will account for 57% of its households. However, Middleton will continue to be home to a large number of seniors, thereby making it an ideal city for them.

In terms of education, residents of Middleton are well-educated. The city's residents hold more than the national average in degrees. More than half of them have a master's degree, while 4% have a doctorate. Middleton's population is lower than the average in many Wisconsin cities. In terms of income, Middleton residents are well educated and earn higher than the national average.