Michigan Center, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and steets of Michigan Center City? Here you can find out. In the city of Michigan Center, MI, 88.7% of workers drove alone to work in 2019. In the chart below, you can see how many households commuted via each mode of transportation over the years. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to better represent changes in smaller means of transportation. The largest percentage of households use false cars.

The city's ethnic makeup includes many people of Polish descent. Hispanics, Asians, and immigrants from the Middle East have also helped contribute to the diversity. Today, the state's ethnic makeup includes Lebanese, Palestinians, Iraqis, and Syrians. In addition to these groups, the city has scores of Protestant denominations. You can find an ethnically diverse community in Michigan Center City by checking out its maps.

There is a large variety of housing options in Michigan Center. The average rent in this area is $1,115 per month. This is up 4% from the previous year, but below the national average of $1,468. Apartments in Michigan Center average 800 square feet. The city thrived during the turn of the last century, and houses began to spring up like daisies. During the civil rights movement and the housing crash, however, many of these homes were abandoned.

Detroit was built as a car-based city. Its public transit system didn't get the love it deserved. In recent years, the city has gradually improved its system. Still, the city's nickname is "the car city," but this is no compliment to its ailing public transportation system. Despite the city's public transportation system, streets are often not of high quality, making it difficult to get around town.