Mattawan, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Mattwan City, Michigan are key economic indicators. This city is home to 2,081 residents and has a median household income of $37,275. The poverty rate is around 6.34% and there are seven different races and ethnicities represented in the city. To learn more about Mattawan, MI, read on. Listed below are the most recent statistics for Mattawan, MI.

The population was spread out. Twenty-two percent of the population was under 18 years old. Twenty-four percent of households were married couples, while 26.0% were not. Lastly, 17.5% of households consisted of individual adults. Senior citizens accounted for 7.4% of households. There were more males than females in Mattawan City, MI. The median household size in Mattawan City is 2.64 people.

Single-family residential neighborhoods are widely scattered throughout the city. The largest concentrations are located in the northwestern and southeast quadrants. The majority of these neighborhoods are served by public water and sewer systems. Older single-family neighborhoods feature traditional grid-type street patterns and smaller lots. They're located near the intersection of I-94 and South Westnedge Avenue. The city's population is based on the 2010 census.