Marine City, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will discuss the Population & Steets in the City of Marine, Michigan. Listed below are the racial and ethnic groups found within the city. By 2021, this group will remain the most populous, with 638 households. This represents an increase of 5.5%. During the same period, most other income brackets are expected to decrease. In fact, the two income brackets with the lowest growth are the $35,000-$49,999 and the $15,000-$24,999 brackets.

The median age of residents in the city is 46.1. Of these, 46.1 percent are native-born residents. The remaining population is composed of foreign-born citizens. The median age of residents in Marine City, Michigan is 46. The city's foreign-born population is almost as high as that of its state. There are 80,443 people in Michigan with a natal country from Mexico. Others from other countries include Iraq and India.

The land area of Marine City is approximately 1,384 acres. While most of this land area is residential, the city also has industrial development on the south side of M-29. One of the larger strip commercial centers in the city is Riverside Plaza, located at the intersection of M-29 and Short Cut Road. Smaller spot commercial development is scattered throughout the city. If you're planning on moving to Marine City, you may want to consider a move to this city.

The decline in the population of Marine City is attributed to numerous factors, including higher unemployment and predatory lending practices, which result in an increased foreclosure rate. Additionally, the deterioration of the housing stock has forced many households to look elsewhere for housing. The majority of occupied housing units in Marine City are owned and occupied by their owners, while 29.7% are occupied by renters. This slight increase in renter-occupied units is due to the statewide recession and the struggling housing market.