Mancelona, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Mancelona are both quite large, and the city offers a good balance of upscale living and small-town charm. This community is also relatively safe. Its violent crime rate is 4.26 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. Residents of the central part of the city are most likely to suffer a violent crime, while those living in the eastern portion of the city have the lowest chances. While comparing violent crime rates across the city is not as intuitive as it sounds, the map below provides a quick glance of Mancelona's crime levels in comparison to nearby cities.

In terms of income, males make 1.37 times more than females. Those who are male earn an average of $49,622 per year, while those living in the southern part of the city earn about $43,700. The median property value of Mancelona is $75,400. The homeownership rate is 76.6%, which is above the national average. The city's residents drive alone to work, with an average commute time of 23 minutes. The median number of cars per household is two, which is about average.

The population of Mancelona is approximately 4,000. While the average age of residents is significantly younger than that of surrounding communities, the town is also close to numerous recreational activities and attractions. In the spring, the town is renowned for its morel mushroom-picking season, and the Bass Festival is held in June. In the winter, Mancelona is popular with skiers and hunters, as well as people who enjoy fishing, boating, and snowmobiling.