Mackinac Island, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To find out more about the demographics of Mackinac Island, Michigan, read on. The median age of all residents of Mackinac Island, MI, is 45.6. This includes native-born citizens and residents who were born overseas. The median age of foreign-born residents in Mackinac Island, MI, is 43. In 2017, Mexico was the most common foreign-born country in the state, with 80,443 residents. Other popular countries for foreign-born residents of Michigan were India (73,340), and Iraq (55,052 residents).

There are a few notable differences between the cities and the towns surrounding Mackinac Island. The first was when Americans first established a garrison on the island. This garrison was led by Captain Daniel Robertson until 1787, when a treaty with Great Britain settled the island's northern border. As such, Mackinac Island became part of the United States, and today it's a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.

In 2016, the city's population was approximately 42.5, with a spread-out age structure. Twenty-seven percent of residents were under the age of eighteen, while seven percent of people were aged eighteen to 24. Thirty-one percent of residents were aged 45-64, and thirteen percent were 65-and-older. The city has a large proportion of residents of the African-American and Hispanic races, as well as foreign-born people. There were only ten foreign-born residents in the city in 2016, and the median house value was significantly above the state average. Residents are college-educated, with a higher percentage of those with at least a bachelor's degree. Among residents, there are only two airmen: no pilots in this city.

The earliest settlers in the city were immigrants, and they mostly came from Ireland and New York. In 1877, the first permanent residents were the Irish. The Irish were mostly French-speaking, although some were Irish. Many Irish were in the area at the time. The village was named after their fathers, who settled in the area. During this time, people in the area made a living in fishing and other small businesses.