Lathrup Village, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the Population & Steets of Lathrup Village City, Michigan, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll examine the demographics of this city in Oakland County. The most important stat is the number of residents per square mile, which is based on the most recent census data. You can also view other statistics such as the number of businesses and households in the area.

Lathrup Village's racial makeup is reflected in the city's population statistics. According to the American Community Survey, the median age in Lathrup Village is 46, a decrease from 31 years ago. The city's population is roughly equally divided by age groups. A quick look at this data can help you better understand the demographics of the area.

The city is highly ethnically diverse. According to the United States Census Bureau, more residents are black or African-American. The next largest group is white, followed by 1.3k Hispanic. Almost 2% of the population speaks Spanish or African languages. Residents in Lathrup Village describe themselves as belonging to multiple racial groups. The city's ethnic composition has a strong presence of artists and designers. This helps shape the city's character.

If you have a family, Lathrup Village is a good place to live. There are other families in the neighborhood, and many of the services offered here are family-oriented. This city's public school system is excellent for children. The city's high percentage of college-educated adults is another plus. There are many single-family homes in the community, and there is a high percentage of them being occupied by their owners. This indicates a stable community.