Lake Angelus, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The table below shows the Population & Steets in Lake Angleus City, Michigan. It compares the city to neighboring and parent geographies. In 2019, 85.6% of residents walked to work, 7.2% carpooled, and 7.4% worked from home. The chart also shows how many households used each mode of transportation during a particular period, using a logarithmic scale to take into account smaller changes in the number of people who were able to find a job.

The crime rate in Lake Angelus City varies greatly by neighborhood. In the southeast, the crime rate can be as low as one in 21 people. In the northeast, the crime rate is closer to one in twenty-five. The difference in crime rates may seem small, but it is important to note that crime is more prevalent in the northeast. The data below also shows the racial makeup of Lake Angelus by neighborhood.

The most common racial groups in Lake Angelus, MI are White (Hispanic), Black (Non-Hispanic), and Native American. These racial groups are most likely to fall below the poverty line. To qualify, an individual must earn less than the poverty threshold in order to be considered poor. While this may not seem like a big difference, it should be noted that unemployment in Lake Angelus, MI has increased from five to eight percent between 2008 and 2019.

The area around Lake Angelus is home to a relatively dense concentration of low-income households. The median house value is significantly higher than the state average. The black population percentage is below the state average. The median age is also higher than the state average. There are less than three people per house. These figures are indicative of the quality of life in Lake Angelus, Michigan. You can find the latest statistics on the city's demographics and its surrounding areas by reading the following information.